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  • don't you think your reaction was flat ?
    段田さん ちょっと今のリアクション 薄いんじゃないかな~?
  • december 11 , 1944: the flat line is closed .
    1944年(昭和19年)12月11日 平坦線廃止
  • no .. i had a flat .. but .. everything is alright now .
    ただのパンク もう大丈夫よ
  • so five percent flat , 44 percent of upside .
    5%の固定手数料と 利益の44%ということですね
  • now he's a grown man . with a job and his own flat .
    今は 大人になって 一人暮らしよ
  • because when it comes to cities , the world ain't flat
    なぜなら 都市に関して言えば
  • why the world isn't flat article , because
    「なぜ世界はフラットではないか」を 書こうと決めたのは
  • the flat horizon that we've evolved with
  • if you don't have a flat world , that's not good
    しかし世界が平らでないと うまくいきません
  • solved it without leaving the flat . now , serviettes ...
    ナプキンは 白鳥型?
  • freestyle itself , we developed all these flat ground tricks
  • if you don't have any flat boards to work with ?
    どうやって 天井を作るというんでしょう
  • noone's been in that flat for at least three days .
    少なくとも3日間 あの部屋は留守だった
  • and in the shabbier end of the row of flat screen tvs
  • we're in position now . he's going into his flat .
    配置に着いている 奴は帰宅する所だ
  • size does not matter when you are flat on your back .
  • let's just go for it . foot flat to the floor .
    思いっきりいこう アクセルを床まで踏み込んで」
  • he sat in our flat and he said these exact words to me ...
  • the flat sharp edges are like knife blades .
    平らで鋭利な縁は まるでナイフの刃のようです
  • i can't go back to the flat again , not at the moment .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3