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  • easily accessible , local , secure fossil fuels
    自国の化石燃料に 限りがあることを考えると
  • they were not mucking around in the fossil pits
    振興協会員のように 化石の産地をうろついたり
  • you really wanna make me into a fossil ?!
    ほんとに 俺を化石にする気か! お... おお すまん。
  • before we had cheap oil , before we had fossil fuels
    安い石油も 化石燃料もなかった時代に
  • i thought i'd turn into a fossil waiting for you !
    待ちすぎて 化石になるかと思ったぜ
  • what is life after fossil fuels going to be like ?
    化石燃料以降の 生活はどのようになるのか
  • so i think the new fossil fixes this problem .
    この化石のおかげで その問題が解決しました
  • so how does the world get off fossil fuels ?
  • eighty percent of that comes from fossil fuels .
  • it's like you became a dinosaur fossil , bossun !
    恐竜の化石みたいになっとったで ボッスン。
  • someone smashed it to pieces and destroyed the fossil .
    誰かが粉々にして 化石を壊した
  • narrator: paul has never seen a fossil do that .
  • ca: so how does the world get off fossil fuels ?
  • when this very famous fossil hunter , kamoya kimeu
    とても有名な化石ハンター カモヤ・キメユが
  • of how the world eventually gets off fossil fuels
  • for research in astronomy , the tides , fossil fish
    船の建造など 様々な分野の研究に対する ―
  • for research in astronomy , the tides , fossil fish
    船の建造など 様々な分野の研究に対する ―
  • if we stay on businessasusual fossil fuel use .
  • we need to make ourselves independent from fossil fuels .
  • and very soon after , the fossil record started yielding
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3