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  • i wanted to take the guesswork out of a lot of that
  • everything you said is just a lot of guesswork .
    全て お前の推測にすぎない。
  • but there's still too much guesswork .
  • and in this way , you can take the guesswork
    このように 何がうまくいき
  • it's dependent on guesswork of diagnoses and drug cocktails
    推測に基づいた 診断や薬の配合に頼っています
  • it's like all knowledge . it's conjectural , guesswork
  • it's like all knowledge . it's conjectural , guesswork
  • who are studied . that's what's leading to the guesswork .
    同じではないので ここから推測に頼り始めるのです
  • it's not just wisdom or guesswork .
  • very little . very little . morphology and a lot of guesswork .
    データなんてほとんどない 形態学と 大部分は推測です
  • guesswork is inappropriate for this sort of situation , bryan .
    当て推量は こういう状況では適切じゃないぞ ブライアン
  • some of it's vague , some of it's guesswork , some of it's concrete .
    漠然としていることもあれば 具体的なこともある
  • yours comes from guesswork
  • but this is all guesswork .
    全部 勝手な想像ですよね。
  • given the nature of your problem , seeing someone who knows jack removes some of the guesswork .
    君の問題を考えると 非常にやりにくい
  • selfindulgent guesswork about matters that nobody can be certain of one way or the other
    確かめようもない 都合のいい 当てずっぽうだと言われています