- Several other companies are currently also investing development capacities in hearables.
- Hearables are often referenced as a subset of wearables.
- In September 2016, Apple made several announcements that could further propel the hearables market.
- Every individual has differently shaped ears and a custom shaped hearable provides comfort for long term wear.
- Now more than 50 hearable devices exist or are in crowdfunding stages to be brought to market.
- Derrida argues that intention cannot possibly govern how an iteration signifies, once it becomes hearable or readable.
- Sometimes the terms " smart headphones " or " smart advisors " are also used to denominate hearables.
- In their music there are many hardcore, trash, folk and punk, or even ambient influences clearly hearable.
- A somewhat more ambitious project is the inclusion of EEG in hearables, making it an example of ear-EEG.
- This album sets a turning point by being much more dark and obscure than the previous ones, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum's being clearly hearable.
- A company, " United Sciences ", founded in 2009, has developed a digital ear scanner which is used to make custom shaped hearables.
- It is also noteworthy that the term " hearable " is occasionally used with a stronger focus on the primary communication pattern rather than its physical implementation.
- Two additional announcements were a new wireless chip allowing them to enter the world of hearables by launching their own brand of earbuds, known as Airpods.
- They are rumored to have partnered with Google to develop custom shaped hearable for measuring pulse oxygenation, EEG, heart rate and for Brain computer interface.
- Yet the English of both " Beatrice and Benedict " and Mozart's " Magic Flute " was crystalline and hearable without any strain.
- The NPD Group, which tracks retail sales in the US, has reported in June 2016 that the overall value of wireless headphone sales in the US overtook that of wired headphones, paving the way for a major hearable explosion.
- And of course many religious believers who are quite sane by all objective measurements have had occasional moments when they felt that God was communicating with them in some manner-sometimes not such much in hearable words but by a definite sensation or impression made upon the mind.
- Bashir's virtuosity of picking can easily be understood, when he shows his ability to apply the abovementioned scordatura, with its string pairs tuned in octaves, in an improvisation in the fast 10 / 8 metre, without the immense stopping problems of this method becoming hearable.
- A substantial amount of research around hearables is dedicated to aiding the hearing impaired and the increasing number of elderly people struggeling with conventional input / output devices such as keyboard, mouse or touchscreen, as it is reflected for instance by the recent cooperation between the EHIMA ( European Hearing Industry Manufacturer's Association ) and the Bluetooth Special Interest Groupworks on the enhancement of conventional hearing aids by applying the newest bluetooth generation for additional streaming of music, telecommunication and audio notifications.
- In an article Are Hearables Needed to Realize Wearables, Nearables ? published on Wired . com in September 2014 refers to IoT as Nearables and continues to use this term in all his published work including Is Keeping Things Simple The Wearable Industry Way Forward ? ten Napel strongly feels that the term Nearables is more self-explanatory than Internet of Things ( IoT ) and Internet of Everything ( IoE ) because it is a less tech centred word that will likely be more appealing to the targeted consumers.