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  • Helpman had performed the play on stage a number of times.
  • He is married to Ruth Helpman, who is a financial analyst.
  • Helpman was tried for striking a marine sergeant and sentinel while on duty.
  • My most important collaborator, Elhanan Helpman, just turned down the Bank of Israel job.
  • The plan came to nothing, no doubt because Helpman could not envisage himself in so minor a role.
  • Helpman and Krugman see this as evidence that these countries are trading in differentiated goods because of their similarities.
  • He has been nominated for a Helpman Award and Green Room awards for roles in Melbourne Theatre Company productions.
  • Lieutenant Philip Helpman gave evidence concerning the purser's character that led to the purser being dismissed the service.
  • Elhanan Helpman and Paul Krugman asserted that the theory behind comparative advantage does not predict the relationships in the gravity model.
  • The play won the Robert Helpman Award in 2007, the Drover Award in 2007 and the 2006 Drover Special Panel Award.
  • Helpman and Krugman ( 1985 ) show that the larger country s share of firms in that increasing returns industry exceed its share of consumers.
  • "Robert is a very unusual guy, " said Helpman, who recently left the University of Tel Aviv to join the Harvard department.
  • These include Paul Romer, Elhanan Helpman, W . Brian Arthur, Robert Axtell, Richard R . Nelson, Richard Lipsey, Michael Porter, Christopher Freeman.
  • "My sense is that it was emotionally a big problem to make this move, " said Elhanan Helpman, referring to Barro's earlier decision to leave Harvard.
  • Brian Helpman ( John Noble ), Rachel's superior begins blackmailing her about the relationship and Rachel is forced to come clean and is luckily able to continue as a doctor.
  • Helpman received the 2013 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Economy, Finance and Management for his outstanding work in two key areas in modern economics : international trade and output growth.
  • The court martial board sentenced Hartree to a severe reprimand and admonished him to be more careful in the future, Hutchinson to a reprimand, and Helpman to be dismissed the service.
  • Smith provided tableaus and wall decoration for condominiums, schools, shops and other buildings in the residential areas of Groningen, such as the Grunobuurt, Helpman, Indische buurt en De Wijert.
  • Romer ( 1987, 1990 ) and signi鹀ant contributions by Aghion and Howitt ( 1992 ) and Grossman and Helpman ( 1991 ), incorporated imperfect markets and R & D to the growth model.
  • "' Elhanan Helpman "'(, born March 30, 1946 ) is an Israeli-American economist who works in the field of international trade, political economy and economic growth.
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