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  • langley sets me up with some sort of scrabble hustler .
    失礼ね "達人"よ
  • without those reasons , you're a hustler .
    その理由がなかったら 君は 詐欺師にすぎない
  • they see our ads , in the back of hustler
    家で私達の広告を見る 売春婦(雑誌)と整備士
  • a hustler pretends he's out of his depth .
    私は "バカめ ビリヤードの達人だよ"
  • they see our ads , in the back of hustler
    家で私達の広告を見る 売春婦と整備士
  • the guy says , you're a hustler . i say , you're a fucking idiot .
    男は言った "お前はハスラーか"
  • a fraud . a street hustler from havana .
  • exactly . tommy's a twobit hustler . he doesn't see the big picture .
    彼はチンピラ 大きな夢は見ない
  • penthouse , and hustler , and playboy for slashing' tires .
    車に残ってるペントハウスや プレイボーイをあげてた
  • he's a great singer , but he's a magnificent hustler , and
    彼は素晴らしいシンガーだが 素晴らしいハスラーでもある
  • i'm telling you i'm an adept . maybe you're the hustler pretending to be a lunkhead .
  • popular mechanics , and our ads actually says , they can get rich quick . hustler ?
    広告には すぐリッチになると
  • popular mechanics , and our ads actually says , they can get rich quick . hustler ?
    広告には すぐリッチになると
  • as a drug user and a hustler , you've played roulette with other people's lives .
    ヤク中の君は 他人を利用して生きてきた
  • you know , i read in hustler everybody should have sex with a vampire at least once before they die .
    一度はヴァンパイアと 寝ておけっていうだろ