- Typical " octane booster " gasoline additives include MTBE, ETBE, isooctane and toluene.
- In the NExOCTANE process, isobutylene is dimerized into isooctane and then hydrogenated to isooctane.
- In the NExOCTANE process, isobutylene is dimerized into isooctane and then hydrogenated to isooctane.
- Isobutane is used as a feedstock in the petrochemical industry, for example in the synthesis of isooctane.
- Since isooctane has an octane rating of 100, why aren't automobiles fueled with pure isooctane?
- Since isooctane has an octane rating of 100, why aren't automobiles fueled with pure isooctane?
- For example, isooctane results from combining butylene with isobutane and has an octane rating of 100 by definition.
- Isooctane is produced on a massive scale in the petroleum industry, usually as a mixture with related hydrocarbons.
- The product is called alkylate and is composed of a mixture of high-octane, branched-chain paraffinic hydrocarbons ( mostly isoheptane and isooctane ).
- Strictly speaking, if the standard meaning of iso is followed, the name " isooctane " should be reserved for the isomer 2-methylheptane.
- The product of the unit, the alkylate, is composed of a mixture of high-octane, branched-chain paraffinic hydrocarbons ( mostly isoheptane and isooctane ).
- Isobutylene is also used for the production of methyl " tert "-butyl ether ( MTBE ) and isooctane, both of which improve the combustion of gasoline.
- For example, 2, 2, 4-trimethylpentane ( isooctane ), widely used in gasoline, has a chemical formula of C 8 H 18 and it reacts with oxygen exothermically:
- However, when the same reaction is carried out in an isooctane solution, the amount of CH 3 CD 3 formed amounts to less than 0.3 % of the total amount of C 2 H 6 formed.
- Polymers used may include polyvinylpyrrolidone ( water based ), ethyl cellulose, pyroxylin / nitrocellulose or poly ( methylacrylate-isobutene-monoisopropylmaleate ) ( alcohol based ), and acrylate or siloxane polymers ( hexamethyldisiloxane or isooctane solvent based ).
- Branched-chain alkanes are preferred as they are much less prone to premature ignition, which causes 2, 2, 4-trimethylpentane ( " isooctane " ) has an arbitrary value of 100, and heptane has a value of zero.
- Substituting in this reaction arsenic trichloride for phenylarsenous dichloride yields 1-chloro-2, 3, 4, 5-tetraphenylarsole, which also forms yellow needles but with a lower melting point of 182 184 癈 . Pentaphenylarsole can further be oxidized with hydrogen peroxide resulting in yellow crystals with melting point of 252 癈 . It can also be reacted with iron pentacarbonyl ( Fe ( CO ) 5 ) in isooctane at 150 癈 to yield a solid organoarsenic compound with the formula C 34 H 25 As, Fe ( CO ) 3.