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  • jf: you meant lt: they talk about sex .
    ジェーン:男はセックスも 話題にするって言いたかったんでしょ
  • We will continue to work within jcc .
    Joint Consultative Councilも同様です
  • lt: well , that's what's exciting about this subject .
  • How many tumult machines would that be , then ?
    tumult作戦は 幾つ動いているのかな?
  • Plus the cafe latte and blt sandwich is 1550 yen
  • it's not official yet . i'm only acting lt .
    まだ 正式にじゃないが そのための準備はしてるよ
  • no , don't be afraid lt wasn't me who killed you
    怖がらないでくれ 私がやったんじゃない
  • Which is why it's called poultry .
    だから この場所はポウルトリー(Poultry・鶏肉)と呼ばれます
  • lt must have been the boys out at the base . yeah .
    基地から子供が逃げたらしい へえ
  • lt . thrace , please report to the co's quarters .
    トレイス大尉 提督の部屋に出頭して下さい
  • lt was fun teaching her to drive . oh , my gosh , yes .
  • no injuries , either lt doesn't look like they were shot
  • Well , did you search the crash vault ?
  • Well , did you search the crash vault ?
  • his squad was ambushed by lt . raine's jews .
    彼の部隊はアルドのユダヤ人部隊に 待ち伏せされて...
  • you know ? i mean , it's nice lt: thank you .
    分かる? 素敵なことなの リリー:有難う
  • jf: and were you grateful ? lt: i was grateful .
    ジェーン:あなた感謝してる? リリー:してるわよ
  • jf: and were you grateful ? lt: i was grateful .
    ジェーン:あなた感謝してる? リリー:してるわよ
  • That happens to operate at the same exact frequency
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3