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  • It passes through Balaguer, Lleida and flows into the Ebro at Mequinenza.
  • Suchet planned to operate against Mequinenza and L閞ida.
  • The main language throughout the province is Bajo Arag髇-Caspe comarca and in Mequinenza municipality.
  • Siege of Mequinenza lasted less than a month, falling to Suchet on 5 June 1810.
  • The most important towns in this region were Lleida, Mequinenza, Fraga, and Tortosa.
  • That month, Suchet planned to move against the Spanish-held cities of L閞ida and Mequinenza.
  • The rebellion was defeated and Ant髇 de Luna was disposseessed of his properties and arrested in Mequinenza.
  • In July, Suchet sent a force close to Tortosa while he assembled his siege equipment at Mequinenza.
  • The House of Santcliment was started by Tom鄐 de Santcliment, lord of Mequinenza between 1230 and 1244.
  • The modern Moroccan city of Meknes bears witness to their presence, as does the Spanish town of Mequinenza.
  • Suchet wanted to move against Mequinenza and L閞ida, but King Joseph Bonaparte insisted that he advance on Valencia instead.
  • His final campaigns were against Mequinenza ( 1133 ) and Fraga ( 1134 ), where monastery of San Pedro in Huesca.
  • Since he was left behind to defend Aragon, Laval did not participate in the siege or in the subsequent Siege of Mequinenza in June.
  • Late in 1133, while campaigning with Alfonso the Battler against Mequinenza, Garc韆 Cajal, Fort鷑's son, was killed in battle.
  • Mequinenza's town wall was old and weak, but its castle perched on a mountain spur above the town was a formidable position.
  • Fooled by the trick, the 1, 900 strong French garrisons of Lleida, Mequinenza and Monz髇 marched out and laid down their arms in surrender.
  • Suchet followed this success with the Siege of Mequinenza by investing the town and its fortress on a bluff high above the Ebro River, on 15 May.
  • In some documents in the Spanish language, these hills appear under the name " Sierra de Mequinenza ", but they are actually not a proper " sierra ".
  • It is approximately from Mequinenza, from Flix, from Riba-roja d'Ebre and from Gandesa, in the area where the Battle of the Ebro was fought during the Spanish civil war.
  • By forging Suchet's signature, a rogue staff officer named Juan Van Halen was able to secure the surrender of 1, 900 troops and the fortresses of Lleida, Mequinenza, and Monz髇.
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