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  • from the back of the head to the nape ...
    後頭部からうなじにかけて 縦1メートル 横10センチ
  • that be the cold breath of fate i feel down my nape .
    そうか 運命の冷たい息を 首筋に感じる
  • there's a button on the nape of his neck , under the skin .
  • from those pink shoulders to her nape .
  • thanks to them , we can meet the one in this thing's nape .
  • from the back of the head to the nape of the neck ...
    後頭部からうなじにかけて 縦1メートル 横10センチ
  • basically , we'd cut you out along with the nape of the neck .
    要は うなじの肉ごとお前を切り取ってしまえばいい
  • but as soon as its nape was targeted , it caught and smashed the scouts .
    しかしアイツは 急所を狙われた途端に
  • isn't this the same pattern as the moles you have on your nape ?
    あなたのうなじにも それと 同じ形のホクロがありますよね?
  • a flake of dandruff on the nape of this thing's neck .
    この事件の首の襟首にかかった 一欠けらのフケだ だけどそれで気が済むのなら...
  • let's study how to seductively show off the nape of your neck today !
    リコ~! 本日は 魅力的な うなじの見せ方を研究しましょう。
  • i accidentally hit the nape of the neck when we tried cutting their heads off .
    首を切り落とす実験で うなじまで削ってしまってね
  • when my nape exploded
  • we can get its nape !
  • i can get the nape .
  • we had to confirm whether they had any weaknesses besides the nape of the neck .
  • we can get its nape !
  • few rules on the makeup of the nape are followed in maiko makeover services .
  • and a real thin stiletto in his left . first he takes the stiletto and jabs it as a hard as he can into the nape of the guy's neck .
    まず首筋に 短剣をおもいっきり突き刺す
  • this equipment had a structure to choke a condemned by tying a rope around his nape of neck , then setting heavy stones corresponding to 20 kan (unit of volume , approx .3 .75 kg ) (about 75 kg ) at the end of the rope .
  • もっと例文:  1  2