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  • answers to questions about naturalism and transcendence
  • a movement of japanese naturalism literature played a part in its popularization .
  • incidentally , i've never understood the conflict between abstraction and naturalism .
    ちなみに 私には抽象主義と自然主義の対立が 理解できません
  • sarcasm towards literary naturalism which was a dominant trend of the time is detected in this story .
  • although he was a novelist of the shirakaba school , some critics have pointed out that his work also shows the influence of naturalism .
  • he also developed a new poetic sentiment in haiku based on his theoretical beliefs which were closely connected to reality via life drawing and realism due to being influenced by the naturalism of the 19th century in europe .
  • fuyo oguri wrote ' koizame ' in his attempt to follow after katai ' s ' futon ' by focusing on the ' love of a middle-aged person ' , yet this theme was partial compared to the dense themes of ' futon ' and oguri could not participate in the community of naturalism movement .