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  • but also on the organism , its state and its action .
  • and that is the species of organism that is responsible
  • all citing incredible work with this one organism
    数多くの研究 論文 記事を見つけました
  • in universities that are interested in this organism .
  • because the organism is doing the work in this process
    というのも 機械でなく生物体が
  • for example , from the third organism we sequenced
    たとえば 3番目に塩基配列を決定した
  • the rat is an entire organism , after all
    本質的に ラットは相互作用しあう 器官のネットワークを持つ
  • to categorize every living organism on the planet .
  • if the organism inside can survive for 30 minutes
    中に入った生物は 30分の間 生存できれば
  • but can an organism like a fruit fly , which is
    しかし ショウジョウバエ等の生物 というのは―
  • how is it that this organism can be so large
    これほど大きいのに 厚みが細胞壁なんて生物が
  • it's encoded for in the dna of this organism .
    その藻の DNA 内にコードされています
  • it's encoded for in the dna of this organism .
    その藻の dna 内にコードされています
  • because the manufacturing process is our organism .
  • and most of the organism is overhead , unseen .
  • here at caltech in the '60s as a model organism
    60年代 ここカリフォルニア工科大学で
  • this is an organism we described in 1996 .
  • it's a unicellular organism , something akin to an algae .
    単細胞体だぞ "何か藻類だ"
  • a creative way of engaging with the organism .
  • we have one organism that lives off of carbon monoxide
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3