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  • made out to the parent organization to the ted organization
  • your father chose to be a parent over being a magus .
  • a parent whose child is murdered go through ?
  • when i became a parent , i figured , you know what ?
    私が親になった時に 気づいたんです
  • ah , grown up way too fast . single parent , if she has any .
  • if you're going to be a foster parent . i'm sorry .
    ちゃんとしてください。 すいません。
  • totally right . such a parent is totally hopeless .
    そうだな。 そんなやつは 駄目だ。
  • to what a great leader is , is like being a parent .
    たとえるなら 親のような存在です
  • you mean you're going to be like a foster parent ?
    何 それって 親代わりになるってこと?
  • jl: well , i was the one who made you a parent .
    ジョシュ:僕のおかげで 親になれたんだよね
  • just giving her things isn't enough as a parent .
    物を与えるだけじゃダメなのよ 親として
  • made out to the parent organization to the ted organization
  • oobasama , party of two . parent and child .
    大場さまが 2名さま。 親子さんで お泊まりです。
  • oobasama , party of two . parent and child .
    大場さまが 2名さま。 親子さんで お泊まりです。
  • oh , my god fought all the time about how to parent .
    子育てでは 本当に喧嘩ばっかり
  • and there's a friction between the teacher and the parent
  • and ...! is it was the bond of parent and children ?
    なのに...! それが親子の絆だろ?
  • i think anyone who's recently been a parent can sympathize
    私は 最近の親なら誰でも
  • many of you would say it was being a parent .
    それは親になったことだと 言う人も多いことでしょう
  • somo (gakusho who took mourning leave for a parent )
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3