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  • and the rock made up by quartz is called quartzite
    石英からなる岩を 珪岩と言いますが
  • that have been subjected to enormous pressure: shock quartz .
    石英粒子は強烈な圧力が 掛かかった 衝撃石英です
  • these are quartz crystals and feldspar
    石英の結晶と 長石です
  • and it's filled with quartz grains
  • a single piece of seamless quartz .
  • and this beautiful quartz crystal
  • is that rose quartz ?
    (みゆき) それはローズクォーツ?
  • is that rose quartz ?
  • is made of quartz crystal and feldspar . it's the erosion of granite rock .
    石英の結晶と 長石です それらは花こう岩が侵食されて できました
  • the mineral you are looking for is a crystallized form of quartz that contains in perfect proportion ...
    君らが探してる鉱物は 完全なる結晶体だ
  • he was sociable , liked gaiety and invented the idea of producing the nock of arrows with quartz and made it popular .
  • many magatama are fashioned from jade , agate , quartz and talc , and there are also magatama fashioned from clay and fired in a kiln .
  • many magatama are fashioned from jade , agate , quartz and talc , and there are also magatama fashioned from clay and fired in a kiln .
  • as materials for high grade juzu , crystal with gold line (rutile quartz ), feicui (burma feicui ), ivory , lapis lazuli and bo tree , and so on , are used .
  • the composition mostly includes quartz , feldspar , mica , chlorite , kaolinite , calcite (calcium carbonate ), gypsum (calcium sulphate ), and ammonium sulfate .
  • if you run water into a tray made from quartz - under the moonlight on the fifteenth night of the eighth lunar month - and portray a ghost on a mirror with the water , a ghost will haunt the mirror .
    8月 (旧暦)の十五夜に月明かりの下(もと)で石英のトレイに水を張り、その水で鏡面に化け物の姿を描くと、鏡の中に化け物が棲みつく。
  • jewelry and precious stones - crystal and the like (crystal , amethyst , smoky quartz , and so on ), agate (onyx ), feicui (burma feicui ), green aventurine , coral and the like and tourmaline , and so on .
    宝石・貴石 水晶類(本水晶・紫水晶・茶水晶など)、メノウ(オニキス)、本ヒスイ(ビルマ翡翠)、インドヒスイ、珊瑚類、トルマリンなど
  • it is an artifact with a nested structure , in which all of the containers were nested and at the center of the structure there were very small pieces of shari (buddha relics ) made of quartz schist cocooned in the pagoda style container .
  • the quartz was not useful in the analysis of karat of silver , but those who were well versed in it such as appraiser of silver and money changer determined the karat by eutectic composition that was seen in rust on the surface and crack .
  • various items including four gilt bronze statues of the buddha and a gorinto (a gravestone composed of five pieces piled up one upon another ) made of quartz crystal created in the nara period were found inside the statue and they became designated as national treasures as attachments to the host statue in 2003 .