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  • In X-ray crystallography, resolution is a measure of the resolvability or precision in the electron density map of a molecule.
  • He formerly served on the Board of Winterthur Group, AXA Leben AG, and AXA Versicherungen AG and as a member of the Board of Clariden Leu AG, and Bank Leu AG . As a UBS representative in the Swiss Expert Commission, he advised Swiss politicians on both the resolvability of the large banks and the future strategy of Switzerland's financial industry.
  • In summary, range voting satisfies the monotonicity criterion, the participation criterion, the consistency criterion, independence of irrelevant alternatives, resolvability criterion, and reversal symmetry, provided voters do not have perfect information ( see below; if they do have perfect information, it becomes a Condorcet method, which means it fails participation, consistency, and independence of irrelevant alternatives ).
  • Additionally, in Russian and ex-USSR computer jargon, the term " any key " is sometimes associated with reset button of PC . Explanations of such association vary : from considering it as being based on real pranks when some more advanced ( in computers and in English ) office workers had put stickers " Any key " to reset buttons of office computers, causing their less experienced colleagues to misinterpret the message  to considering it just as being a sarcasm about software-related difficulties solving skills of novice users ( " seeing a message you didn't expect ? ahh, panic ! don't even try to read it and understand ! ! just press reset ! ! ! " ), or a Murphy's law-similar pessimism about actual resolvability of some types of work-flow problems caused by bugs in software.