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  • The " resolvconf " program addresses this problem.
  • resolvconf cannot easily be disabled on some systems.
  • Resolvconf controls access to the file, allowing many programs to use it at the same time.
  • In a system without resolvconf, the file is normally maintained manually or by a collection of scripts.
  • On FreeBSD it can be disabled by placing resolvconf = NO in resolvconf . conf ( 5 ).
  • On FreeBSD it can be disabled by placing resolvconf = NO in resolvconf . conf ( 5 ).
  • The resolvconf program is one such program on FreeBSD or other Unix machines which manages the resolv . conf file.
  • The file is either maintained manually, or when DHCP is used, it is usually updated with the utility resolvconf.
  • When " resolvconf " is properly installed, the " resolv . conf " file is replaced by a symbolic link to / etc / resolvconf / run / resolv . conf and the resolver instead uses the dynamically generated linked file.
  • When " resolvconf " is properly installed, the " resolv . conf " file is replaced by a symbolic link to / etc / resolvconf / run / resolv . conf and the resolver instead uses the dynamically generated linked file.
  • In securely administered environments the resolvconf program ( or daemon, depending on the implementation ) causes uneasiness since it interferes with the containment of resolv . conf security vulnerabilities, making changes to it without authorization . ( Centralized change management, or centralized compliance, requires that system changes cannot be made from the sidelines .)