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  • the first wound to the rib was clearly superficial .
    1発目は肋骨を かすめただけです
  • of his remains is superficial . so you think cause of death
    じゃあ 死因は下半身に
  • in a superficial manner , and they make a ton of money .
  • ones that go beyond the immediate or just the superficial
  • i am aware of this book ultra superficial assistant
  • i knew it . i knew you were superficial . i told you .
  • she's superficial and her priorities are all fucked up
    彼女は軽薄で 大事にするのは馬鹿げた事だけ
  • two of the survivors have been assessed with superficial injuries .
  • now i know it was totally superficial .
    私の思いは すっごく薄っぺらなものだとわかった
  • i will not do business with a silly , superficial phantom .
    愚かな幻のような女の 仕事はしない
  • i will not do business with a silly , superficial phantom .
    愚かな幻のような女の 仕事はしない
  • is that kind of superficial relationship ?
    そんな うわべだけの 人間関係なの?
  • looks superficial , but i'll do a dna sweep .
    人差し指の先 dna処理を行う
  • looks superficial , but i'll do a dna sweep .
    人差し指の先 DNA処理を行う
  • if i could just meet one , one who wasn't so superficial .
    もし 誰かとデートするなら 軽薄でない人ね
  • typical of a silly , superficial woman , as you put it .
    あなたの言うとおり "愚かな幻のような女" よね
  • typical of a silly , superficial woman , as you put it .
    あなたの言うとおり "愚かな幻のような女" よね
  • superficial . most of the trauma was to her face and neck .
    表皮のアザよ ほとんどが顔と上頸部にあるわ
  • but also , image is superficial .
    しかし同時に イメージとは 表面的なものなんです
  • and how we look , though it is superficial and immutable
    単に表面的で 変えられないものだと 分かっていても
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3