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  • he strived to systemize the doctrine of the tendai sect , compile a book of discussion and construct a learning dormitory .
  • he also tried his best to systemize urasenke ' s tea ceremony course by introducing it into curriculums of girls ' schools and holding lectures in order to unify its teaching policies .
  • during 1532 - 1555 , 13th-generation ikenobo priest seno was regularly invited to the imperial court to arrange flowers and wrote ' ikenobo seno kuden ' (ikenobo seno ' s book on flower arrangement ) to comprehensively systemize the theory and technique of flower arranging .
    天文 (元号)年間(1532年-1555年)には、池坊13世専応が度々宮中に招かれて花を立て、また「池坊専応口伝」を表して立花の理論と技術を初めて総合的に体系化した。
  • he continued his efforts to systemize organization of urasenke ' s tea ceremony by setting up a national organization of fellow members , named tanko-kai , and also by obtaining corporate status for the head of the school and his family , so urasenke is now proud of being the largest scale school among many tea ceremony schools .
  • samurai (especially shogunal retainers ) at that time were easily involved in problems with court nobles who were lords of private estates where they (samurai ) worked as jito; goseibai-shikimoku was established in order to save samurai from such problems by making them understand the summary of legal order of the time centered in the kugeho and by working in harmony with the samurai society , therefore the reason was not to systemize the bukeho or to make a new order of law based on the bukeho; the kugeho was said to be still the base and was regarded as a formal model and material .