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  • i thought you said you found the anonymous tipster .
    情報提供者を 見つけたんじゃ?
  • this video was provided to us by an anonymous tipster .
    この映像は匿名の方から 提供を受けた物です
  • yeah , our anonymous tipster was scott rowe , our dead guy .
    情報提供者は 殺されたs・ロウです
  • yeah , our anonymous tipster was scott rowe , our dead guy .
    情報提供者は 殺されたS・ロウです
  • just learned rowe was the tipster .
  • the tipster goes by the name
    告発者は アダム・ピアと名乗っている
  • i asked him about the tipster , same as you , and he didn't blink .
    タレコミのことを聞いた 君と同じようにな ボスは 驚いてなかった
  • an anonymous tipster will report
  • tipster thought they saw a guy wheeling a drum onto the premises last friday .
    先週の金曜 ここでドラム缶を 動かしてる男を見た者がいます
  • or at least it did until his research was called into question by an anonymous tipster .
    研究成果を問題視されるまでは 有望だった
  • 1947: performed " shojo midare " (the disorderly tipster sprite ) for the first time .
    1947年 『猩々乱』披き
  • 1928: performed the role of shite in " shojo " (the tipster sprite ) for the first time .
    1928年 『猩々』初シテ
  • you know you can just call and find out if it's possible to locate the tipster .
    通報者の居場所を突き止めることが可能か 電話で聞けばいいんじゃない?
  • we understand that an anonymous tipster claimed that dr . granger falsified his results .
    グレンジャー博士が結果を偽造したという 匿名のタレこみがあったそうですね
  • this video was provided to us by an anonymous tipster , and we have been unable to confirm this is , indeed , deputy director graham .
    この映像は匿名の方から 提供を受けた物であり... 我々が、この人物を... 氏本人であると 確認した物ではありません
  • he performs " shakkyo " (stone bridge ) in the third volume and " shojo midare " (the disorderly tipster sprite ) in the fifth volume , each for the first time .
  • while in training: okina (old man ) (okina , senzai ), shojo midare (the disorderly tipster sprite ), dojo-ji temple , shakkyo (stone bridge ) (shite , rear tsure [side actor ]) , mochizuki (the full moon )
    修行中-翁(翁、千歳)、猩々乱、道成寺 (能)、石橋(シテ、後ツレ)、望月 (能)
  • in november , 1637 , takimotobo temple was burnt down; taking this opportunity , shojo handed over control of the temple to his disciple jojun (son of sakyo nakanuma who was shojo ' s older brother ), called himself " shojo (or ' 猩々 ' , a tipster sprite ), and lived an elegant life .
  • " shojo midare " (the disorderly tipster sprite ), " ishibashi " (stone bridge ), " dojoji " (dojo-ji temple ), " koi no omoni " (the burden of love ), " kinuta " (instrumental pieces of koto music ), " yashima daiji " yashima daiji (one version of " yashima " [ya-shima island ], called " daiji " [important ]) , " sagi " (heron ), " sotoba komachi " (ono no komachi on the stupa ), and " omu komachi " (ono no komachi ' s parrot answer poem ).