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  • For unifoliates, this method is apparently less successful, but not impossible.
  • It is a Colombian unifoliate Cattleya species.
  • In unifoliate species, the remaining healthy portion of that leaf will start to grow again from the base.
  • The two are much alike in being trees with alternate, elliptic, unifoliate leaves in two rows along the twigs.
  • The plant itself is a medium sized unifoliate ( labiate ) " Cattleya ", with a medium sized rhizome.
  • Pseudobulbs are 8-16 " ( 20-40 cm ) long, unifoliate, cylindrical or cigar-shaped, grooved.
  • Plants bear more or less clustered unifoliate pseudobulbs ( rarely bifoliate ), coriaceous dark-olive leaves, and possess long inflorescences with successive flowering.
  • The leaves of some perennial, but usually unifoliate Streptocarpus, are unusual because, as winter approaches, they slowly die back to an abscission line midway down the leaf.
  • This subgenus ( comprising plurifoliates and unifoliates ) is unique in that, in winter, they can form abscission lines part way down the leaf ( see photo gallery below ).