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"しゅうらく"の例文"しゅうらく" 意味"しゅうらく" 中国語の意味


  • しゅうらく
    centers of population
  • しゅ     しゅ 種 kind variety species 腫 tumor 主 (one's) master (our) lord 侏 actor
  • うら     うら 末 top end tip 裏 reverse side wrong side back undersurface inside palm sole
  • らく     らく 楽 comfort ease
  •      く 九 nine 区 ward district section 句 phrase clause sentence passage paragraph
  • しゅう     しゅう 周 circuit lap circumference vicinity Chou (dynasty) 宗 sect 集 collection 州
  • せんしゅうらく    せんしゅうらく 千秋楽 concluding festivities final day of a sumo tournament concluding program
  • せんしゅうらくのひ    せんしゅうらくのひ 千秋楽の日 closing day of a show
  • きゅうらく    きゅうらく 急落 sudden fall sharp fall sudden drop sharp drop 及落 success or failure (in examinations)
  • ぎゅうらく    ぎゅうらく 牛酪 butter
  • にゅうらく    にゅうらく 入洛 proceeding to Kyoto entering Kyoto 乳酪 butter
  • しゅうらい    しゅうらい 襲雷 lightning strike 襲来 invasion raid attack visitation (of a calamity)
  • しゅうらん    しゅうらん 収覧 収攬 grasping winning over 周覧 looking all around
  • きょうらくしゅぎ    きょうらくしゅぎ 享楽主義 epicureanism hedonism
  • うらくぎ    うらくぎ 裏釘 nail sticking through
  • きどうらく    きどうらく 着道楽 having a weakness for fine clothes


  • It was also referred to as historical settlement .
  • A moat settlement is a village surrounded by a moat .
  • 千秋楽 (senshuraku ) is also written as 千穐楽 or 千龝楽 , and , being an industrial term , indicates the last day , when plays on the same program are performed repeatedly every day for two or more days .
  • Additionally , when a play on the same program is performed in various places on a tour , the play that is performed at the site visited last is sometimes called osenshuraku or oraku in particular .
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