きどうらく きどうらく 着道楽 having a weakness for fine clothes
It was also referred to as historical settlement . 歴史的集落(れきしてきしゅうらく)とも呼ばれる。
A moat settlement is a village surrounded by a moat . 環濠集落(かんごうしゅうらく)とは、周囲に堀をめぐらせた集落(ムラ)のこと。
千秋楽 (senshuraku ) is also written as 千穐楽 or 千龝楽 , and , being an industrial term , indicates the last day , when plays on the same program are performed repeatedly every day for two or more days . 千秋楽(せんしゅうらく)は「千穐楽」、「千龝楽」などとも表記され、複数日にわたって同じ演目を行う興行において、「最終日」を指す業界用語。
Additionally , when a play on the same program is performed in various places on a tour , the play that is performed at the site visited last is sometimes called osenshuraku or oraku in particular . また、1つの演目で各地を巡業した場合、最後の公演地で行われる千秋楽の公演を、特に「大千秋楽」(おおせんしゅうらく、略して「大楽」(おおらく)とも)と呼ばれることがある。