擦る かする to touch lightly to take a percentage (from) する to rub to chafe to file to frost (glass) to strike (match) こする to rub to scrub
上擦る 上擦る うわずる to be or get excited to sound shallow to sound hollow (a voice) to ring false (a voice) to sound shrill and nervous (a voice) to be high-pitched and unstrung (a voice)
A vitamix , a grain mill , and a spice mill for grinding flaxseed . バイタミックスと粉砕器と 亜麻仁を擦るスパイスミル
It may be beaten with mallets or drawn with a bow of a stringed instrument . マレットで叩く奏法のほか、弦楽器の弓で擦ることもある。
After that , rub them . それで擦るのよ
And you're gonna make little motions back and through just brushing the grass . そしてあなたは殆ど 後ろには動かなくなり・・ ・・ただ芝を擦るだけ
Ground stone tool was made of such stone tools which had seldom asperity by being polished with other stone material . 磨製石器はこのように製作した石器を他の石材で擦ることにより磨いて凹凸を極力無くした石器をさす。
In echizen manzai and kaga manzai , a " suri-daiko " (making a sound by scraping a kozutsumi with a thin bamboo plectrum ) is used . 越前萬歳と加賀萬歳はすり太鼓(小太鼓を細い竹の撥で擦るように鳴らす)を用いる。