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  • 【自動】
    1. splotch
    2. spot
  • 染み     染み しみ stain spot
  • つく     つく 憑く to possess to haunt to attach to 就く to settle in (place) to take (seat,
  •      く 九 nine 区 ward district section 句 phrase clause sentence passage paragraph
  • はずみがつく    1. acquire momentum 2. gain momentum 3. gain traction 4. gather forward momentum 5. gather momentum 6. get [become] more animated 7. pick up momentum 8. warm up
  • 弾みがつく 1    1. get a boost 2. receive a boost 弾みがつく 2 get a boost from〔~のおかげで〕
  • 影響で弾みがつく    get a boost from〔~の〕
  • インクの染みがついた     【形】 ink-stained
  • 染みが付く    1. be smudged 2. be stained
  • 染みが残る    leave a spot [stain] (on)〔~に〕
  • とろみがつくまでかき混ぜる    stir till thickened
  • あしがつく    あしがつく 足が付く to be traced (tracked)
  • かたがつく    かたがつく 片が付く to be disposed of to be settled to come to an end
  • かびがつく    be moldy
  • きがつく    きがつく 気がつく 気が付く to notice to become aware to perceive to realize to recover consciousness to come to oneself
  • けちがつく    1. bring bad luck 2. mess up けちがつく。 There is a jinx
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