- computation of tax amount
- 税額 税額 ぜいがく amount of tax
- 算出 算出 さんしゅつ calculation computation
- 出 出 で outflow coming (going) out graduate (of) rising (of the sun or moon) one's
- 算出税額 calculated tax amount
- 損害額の算定 computation of damages
- 税額の控除 credit
- 課税額を算出する computer tax liability
- 課税額の凸凹 inequalities in tax assessments
- 課税額の査定 assessment of tax
- 損害額の算定を行う conduct damage assessment
- 予定納税額の督促 claim of prepayment of income tax
- 予定納税額の通知 notification of estimated tax prepayment
- 所得税額の控除 1. credit for income tax 2. withholding tax credit
- 減免税額の控除 deduction for tax reduction
- (主語)によって~の算出値は異なる値をとる result in different values being calculated for