He became the first director of osaka customs , marking a new era of customs in osaka . 初代大阪税関長となり、大阪税関史の幕を開けた。
After he returned to japan , he worked at the ministry of finance and the chief inspector of the yokohama custom house . 帰国後は大蔵省に勤務し横浜市税関長。
In addition , at customs stations opened in hai phong and other region around vietnam , europeans served as commissioners of customs , head of custom station and vietnamese , but there were conflicts frequently between europeans and vietnamese . 加えてハイフォンをはじめ、ベトナム各地に設けられた税関ではヨーロッパ人がトップである税関長を占め、ベトナム人スタッフと共同運営していたが、ヨーロッパ・ベトナム間にはよく争いが生じていた。