- credit
- 税額 税額 ぜいがく amount of tax
- 控除 控除 こうじょ subsidy deduction
- 所得税額の控除 1. credit for income tax 2. withholding tax credit
- 減免税額の控除 deduction for tax reduction
- 外国税額の控除限度額 creditable amount of foreign taxes
- 巨額の控除 large deduction
- 外国税額の控除限度額の繰り越し carry-over of foreign tax credit limit
- 外国税額のみなし控除 tax sparing credit system
- 外国税額の直接控除制度 direct foreign tax credit
- 法人税額の特別控除 special credit of corporation tax
- 州税の控除 state tax break
- 税額控除 1. credit against tax 2. tax break 3. tax credit 4. tax deduction 5. tax exemption
- 税額控除額 amount of tax credit
- 法人税の控除 credit against corporation tax
- 税額の算出 computation of tax amount