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adjoin 意味

発音記号:[ ə'dʒɔin ]  読み方



  • it is said to be changed to ' tenno ' in the meiji period by renjo (change of pronunciation in japanese when two particular sounds adjoin ).


  • attach or add; "I adjoin a copy of your my lawyer''s letter"

  • be in direct physical contact with; make contact; "The two buildings touch"; "Their hands touched"; "The wire must not contact the metal cover"; "The surfaces contact at this point"
    Synonyms: touch, meet, contact,

  • lie adjacent to another or share a boundary; "Canada adjoins the U.S."; "England marches with Scotland"
    Synonyms: border, edge, abut, march, butt, butt against, butt on,

英語→日本語 日本語→英語