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battle 意味

発音記号:[ 'bætl ]  読み方
動詞 過去形: battled   動詞 過去分詞: battled   名詞 複数形: battles   動詞 現在分詞: battling   



  • their involvement in the battle is uncertain .
  • a klingon battle cruiser , pointthree lightyears away .
    クリンゴン巡洋戦艦です 0.
  • and the battle of gay relatability had begun .
    すると皆が 親ゲイ派を アピールし出しました
  • meantime , my job is to get these people ready for battle .
  • what are you saying , my sword hasn't seen battle ?
    この剣は 戦いに使われた事はない?
  • the final battle royale is about to commence !
    さあー いよいよ最後のバトルロイヤル開始です
  • about her battle against government corruption
    政府の汚職との闘いに ついて報道していますが
  • colonel , you've carried out battle plans before .
    大佐 あなたは計画を 立てるのが性分だ
  • a battle between the team 1 boys and the old lady .
    1軍男子と おばさんのバトルって。
  • the next battle for b block will commence
    aブロックは第2試合 bブロックは第1試合を行います。
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • an energetic attempt to achieve something; "getting through the crowd was a real struggle"; "he fought a battle for recognition"
    Synonyms: struggle,

  • a hostile meeting of opposing military forces in the course of a war; "Grant won a decisive victory in the battle of Chickamauga"; "he lost his romantic ideas about war when he got into a real engagement"
    Synonyms: conflict, fight, engagement,

  • an open clash between two opposing groups (or individuals); "the harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph"--Thomas Paine; "police tried to control the battle between the pro- and anti-abortion mobs"
    Synonyms: conflict, struggle,

  • Verb
  • battle or contend against in or as if in a battle; "The Kurds are combating Iraqi troops in Northern Iraq"; "We must combat the prejudices against other races"; "they battled over the budget"
    Synonyms: combat,

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