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blade 意味

発音記号:[ bleid ]  読み方
名詞 複数形: blades   



  • he was stabbed in the chest with a sharp blade but
    胸を鋭利な刃物で 刺されただけではなく
  • so , the first blade was never on display ?
    ではファースト・ブレードは 展示されてないんですね?
  • put the power flowing within your body into the blade !
  • it's got an elfish blade . but it's not an elfs .
    エルフの剣だよ でもあいつエルフじゃない
  • what do we have here ? no ! that's a fine little blade .
    こいつはなんだ? いい刃だ
  • did you slip him a razor blade at the safe house ?
    尋問施設で剃刀を渡した どうやって俺が
  • one mentioned something called the first blade .
    ファースト・ブレードとやらに 言及してたわ
  • the blade that cut the ring from sauron's hand .
    サウロンの手から 指輪を切り落とした剣だ
  • if you have a clean razor blade and some morphine
    清潔なカミソリの刃と モルヒネがあれば
  • close enough to stick a blade between his ribs .
    彼の肋骨に刃を刺すには 十分近づいてくれ
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • the flat part of a tool or weapon that (usually) has a cutting edge

  • flat surface that rotates and pushes against air or water
    Synonyms: vane,

  • the part of the skate that slides on the ice

  • a cutting or thrusting weapon that has a long metal blade and a hilt with a hand guard
    Synonyms: sword, brand, steel,

  • a broad flat body part (as of the shoulder or tongue)

  • a cut of beef from the shoulder blade

  • something long and thin resembling a blade of grass; "a blade of lint on his suit"

  • a dashing young man; "gay young blades bragged of their amorous adventures"

  • especially a leaf of grass or the broad portion of a leaf as distinct from the petiole
    Synonyms: leaf blade,

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