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correct 意味

発音記号:[ kə'rekt ]  読み方


  • to be correct    to be correct 合う あう
  • to correct    to correct 矯め直す ためなおす 正す ただす 治す 直す なおす 矯める ためる 朱を入れる しゅをいれる
  • anatomically correct    {形} :
  • anatomically-correct    {形-1} : (彫刻{ちょうこく}?人形{にんぎょう}などが)性器{せいき}まで備えた -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形-2} : (人体図{じんたい ず}が)解剖学的{かいぼうがくてき}に正確{せいかく}な◆性器を描写していることを婉曲的に表現したもの。
  • auto correct    
  • auto-correct    《コ》オートコレクト機能◆マイクロソフトのワードなど
  • color correct     cólor corréct O [遠回しに]〈髪など〉を染める.
  • completely correct    全く正しい
  • correct a child    子どもをしかる
  • correct a fallacy    誤りを正す
  • correct a fault    過ちを改める
  • correct a miscalculation    計算間違いを訂正{ていせい}する
  • correct a misconception    思い違いを正す
  • correct a mistake    誤りを直す
  • correct a misunderstanding    誤解{ごかい}を正す


  • and other businesses . they are quite correct
    数10億ドルを流出させること これらが短期的に
  • that's correct , per my contract with captain rasmussen .
    そうだ それが契約だった
  • you're head of acquisitions at apmg , correct ?
    あなたは apmgで買収担当の責任者ですね?
  • you're head of acquisitions at apmg , correct ?
    あなたは apmgで買収担当の責任者ですね?
  • let's say your assessment of the man is correct .
    この男に関して 君の判断が正しいとしよう
  • sonoyama swore he would correct oogaki's ways .
    園山くんは 必ず大垣くんを 更正させると誓い
  • you're head of acquisitions at apmg , correct ?
    あなたは APMGで買収担当の責任者ですね?
  • you're head of acquisitions at apmg , correct ?
    あなたは APMGで買収担当の責任者ですね?
  • there were actually these things called correct answers
  • that's correct . it was someone else inside the company .
    そう 会社内部の誰かだ
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • free from error; especially conforming to fact or truth; "the correct answer"; "the correct version"; "the right answer"; "took the right road"; "the right decision"
    Synonyms: right,

  • correct in opinion or judgment; "time proved him right"
    Synonyms: right,

  • Adjective
  • socially right or correct; "it isn''t right to leave the party without saying goodbye"; "correct behavior"
    Synonyms: right,

  • in accord with accepted standards of usage or procedure; "what''s the right word for this?"; "the right way to open oysters"
    Synonyms: right,

  • Verb
  • treat a defect; "The new contact lenses will correct for his myopia"

  • make right or correct; "Correct the mistakes"; "rectify the calculation"
    Synonyms: rectify, right,

  • alter or regulate so as to achieve accuracy or conform to a standard; "Adjust the clock, please"; "correct the alignment of the front wheels"
    Synonyms: adjust, set,

  • censure severely; "She chastised him for his insensitive remarks"
    Synonyms: chastise, castigate, objurgate, chasten,

  • go down in value; "the stock market corrected"; "prices slumped"
    Synonyms: decline, slump,

  • make reparations or amends for; "right a wrongs done to the victims of the Holocaust"
    Synonyms: right, compensate, redress,

  • punish in order to gain control or enforce obedience; "The teacher disciplined the pupils rather frequently"
    Synonyms: discipline, sort out,

  • adjust for; "engineers will work to correct the effects or air resistance"
    Synonyms: compensate, counterbalance, make up, even out, even off, even up,

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