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deport 意味




  • if they're not , i'll deport their asses myself .
    でなければ... 私が尻を蹴ってやる
  • that its laws allow it to detain or deport foreigners
    法律で 国の経済や安全―
  • calling on law enforcement to try and threaten or deport
    ストライキを法的に訴えて 脅したり 追放しようとすることに
  • we would deport her .
  • for this reason chotei decided to deport yoshichika to oki province in december of the following year , 1102 .
  • we can hold you for 18 months , then deport you back to the united states , where i'm sure the fbi wants to question you also .
    それから本国に強制送還ね 戻っても fbiがまた同じ質問をするわ
  • we can hold you for 18 months , then deport you back to the united states , where i'm sure the fbi wants to question you also .
    それから本国に強制送還ね 戻っても FBIがまた同じ質問をするわ
  • however , in april , members of the enryaku-ji temple made a direct petition to deport fujiwara no morotaka of kaga province .
  • nevertheless the government of the united states has deemed that you are seriously breaking the law , and is determined to immediately and definitively deport you .
    それでも、合衆国政府は 重大な法律違反を犯して いると判断します そして即刻の国外退去を決定しました
  • in may , upon deciding to retaliate against the enryaku-ji temple , goshirakawa dismissed myoun who was tendai zasu (a chief priest of the tendai sect of buddhism ), seized his land , and issued an order to deport him to izu province .
  • もっと例文:  1  2


  • expel from a country; "The poet was exiled because he signed a letter protesting the government''s actions"
    Synonyms: expatriate, exile,

  • hand over to the authorities of another country; "They extradited the fugitive to his native country so he could be tried there"
    Synonyms: extradite, deliver,

  • behave in a certain manner; "She carried herself well"; "he bore himself with dignity"; "They conducted themselves well during these difficult times"
    Synonyms: behave, acquit, bear, conduct, comport, carry,

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