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fatal 意味

発音記号:[ 'feitl ]  読み方


  • fatal...    fatal... 致死[医生]; 致命的[医生]
  • fatal accident    人身災害、致命的事故、死亡事故{しぼう じこ}
  • fatal action    決定的行動
  • fatal arrow    致命的{ちめいてき}な矢
  • fatal attack    決定的攻撃、致命的{ちめいてき}な襲撃{しゅうげき}
  • fatal attraction    {映画} : 危険な情事◆米1987《監督》エイドリアン?ライン《出演》マイケル?ダグラス、グレン?クローズ
  • fatal battle    命を懸けた戦闘{せんとう}、雌雄{しゆう}を決する戦い、宿命{しゅくめい}の戦い
  • fatal beating    致命的に殴ること He was arrested in fatal beating. 彼は相手を殴って死亡させたことで逮捕された。
  • fatal beauty    {映画} : 危険な天使◆米1988
  • fatal blood    胎児血{たいじけつ}
  • fatal blow    壊滅的打撃、決定的打撃 Two other minors suffered fatal blows to the head.
  • fatal blunder    取返しがつかない大失策
  • fatal bombing    決定的爆撃
  • fatal bullet    致命的弾丸
  • fatal case    致死例{ちし れい}、死亡例{しぼう れい}


  • of every fatal accident that's happened since 1975 .
  • six and a half days , that certainly is a fatal dose .
    6日半分というのは 致死量です
  • looks like he used malin fatal as bodyguards .
    護衛にイノシシの ヴェッセンをつけていたのか
  • taking fatal doses of homeopathic sleeping pills .
  • to have you witness this fatal secret crime scene .
  • hydrogen sulfide is very fatal to we humans .
  • in your face saying that you've got a fatal disease
    言われながら育ってきたら おそらく
  • but , there's one catch . this is the fatal you know
  • it can cause a severe fever and can often be fatal .
    高熱を引き起こし 時に命をも奪います
  • if you carelessly make a move , it could be fatal
    貴様の軽はずみな行動が 命取りになる
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • bringing death

  • Adjective
  • controlled or decreed by fate; predetermined; "a fatal series of events"
    Synonyms: fateful,

  • having momentous consequences; of decisive importance; "that fateful meeting of the U.N. when...it declared war on North Korea"- Saturday Rev; "the fatal day of the election finally arrived"
    Synonyms: fateful,

  • (of events) having extremely unfortunate or dire consequences; bringing ruin; "the stock market crashed on Black Friday"; "a calamitous defeat"; "the battle was a disastrous end to a disastrous campaign"; "such doctrines, if true, would be absolutely fatal to my theory"- Charles Darwin; "it is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it"- Douglas MacArthur; "a fateful error"
    Synonyms: black, calamitous, disastrous, fateful,

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