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  • {名} : 用語集{ようごしゅう}、用語解説{ようご かいせつ}、語彙解説{ごい かいせつ}
    The most difficult words were put in the glossary. 最も難しい言葉は用語解説に収録された。
  • glossarial index    語彙索引{ごい さくいん}
  • glossarial    {形} : 語彙{ごい}の[に関する] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】glαse'(э)riэl
  • glossarist    {名} : 用語集作成者{ようごしゅう さくせい しゃ}
  • glossalgia    {名} : 舌痛{ぜっつう}
  • glossary     glossary n. 用語集, 用語表, 用語解. 【動詞+】 The book contains both a glossary and an index. その本には用語集と索引の両方がついている The appendices include glossaries and tables. 用語解と表などが付録としてついている In accordanc
  • glossal    {形} : 舌の[に関する]◆【語源】ギリシャ語の glossa(舌)
  • glossary for defining the terms found in the book and on the screen    《コ》マニュアルや画面上に出てくる用語{ようご}を定義{ていぎ}した用語集{ようごしゅう}
  • glossagra    {名} : 舌痛発作{ぜっつう ほっさ}
  • glossary in the back of the book    巻末{かんまつ}の用語集{ようごしゅう}


  • for instance , ' genji monogatari shinshaku ' (new interpretations of the tale of genji ), a commentary on the tale of genji by kamo no mabuchi , was written in the form of interlinear glossaries on a printed volume of the kogetsusho .
  • during the sui and tang dynasties , several glossaries called insho (chinese dictionary arranged by finals ) were compiled , in which the reading of 倭 is ' wa ' and ' wi ' and ' wa ' is said to be the name of a country in tokai and ' wi ' is said to be a word meaning obedience .
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