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glossary 意味

発音記号:[ 'glɔsəri ]  読み方
名詞 複数形: glossaries   


  • emoticon glossary    フェース[フェイス]マーク集[辞書{じしょ}]、顔文字辞書{かお もじ じしょ}
  • full glossary    完全{かんぜん}な用語集{ようごしゅう}
  • glossary of terms    glossary of terms 用語集
  • index glossary    索引用語集{さくいん ようご しゅう}
  • online glossary    オンライン用語集{ようごしゅう}
  • smiley glossary    フェース[フェイス]マーク集[辞書{じしょ}]、顔文字辞書{かお もじ じしょ}
  • visual glossary    視覚的{しかくてき}用語集{ようごしゅう}[語彙解説書{ごい かいせつしょ}]◆絵や写真で語彙を解説している
  • glossary in the back of the book    巻末{かんまつ}の用語集{ようごしゅう}
  • glossary of botanical terms    植物学用語集{しょくぶつがく ようごしゅう}
  • glossary of technical terms    専門用語集{せんもん ようごしゅう}
  • liquor cordial glossary    アルコール飲料用語辞典{いんりょう ようご じてん}
  • glossary for defining the terms found in the book and on the screen    《コ》マニュアルや画面上に出てくる用語{ようご}を定義{ていぎ}した用語集{ようごしゅう}
  • glossarist    {名} : 用語集作成者{ようごしゅう さくせい しゃ}
  • glossaries    {名} : 用語集{ようごしゅう}、用語解説{ようご かいせつ}、語彙解説{ごい かいせつ} The most difficult words were put in the glossary. 最も難しい言葉は用語解説に収録された。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • glossarial index    語彙索引{ごい さくいん}
  • glossarial    {形} : 語彙{ごい}の[に関する] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】glαse'(э)riэl


  • this is another example of a page with glossary words
    このページでは 用語集が用意されている語句が
  • the words or phrases that are lit up in red are glossary words
  • narrator: this is another example of a page with glossary words
    このページでは 用語集が用意されている語句が
  • reading and glossary of daihannyakyo (great perfection of wisdom sutra ), volume two
    大般若経音義 中巻
  • for example , " kagaku-shu " (published around 1444 ) was a glossary in which the words were classified according to their meanings .
  • the roei gochu also influenced later commentaries on the wakan roei shu , such as the wakan roei shu shichu (personal glossary on the wakan roei shu ).
  • ruiju myogisho is a dictionary (or glossary ) of chinese characters , compiled in japan between the late 11th century and the early 12th century .
  • korozen no goho is a word in the glossary of japanese clothes meaning an upper garment which constitutes the traditional formal court dress worn by an emperor at a formal ceremony .
  • according to their evidence , the roei gochu was written not as a book , but as a brief glossary written between the spaces or lines or on the back of the text of the waka roei shu .
  • according to wafuku (traditional japanese clothes ) glossary , there were two types of ho (robe or jacket ): hoeki no ho (robe with sides being stitched ) for civil officers and ketteki no ho (robe without sides being stitched ) for military officers .


  • an alphabetical list of technical terms in some specialized field of knowledge; usually published as an appendix to a text on that field
    Synonyms: gloss,

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