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gulp 意味

発音記号:[ gʌlp ]  読み方
名詞 複数形: gulps   


  • at a gulp    ひと飲みに、一口に、一気に
  • to gulp    to gulp 呑む のむ
  • at one gulp    ひと飲みで、一気に、一口に
  • drink in a gulp    一気飲みする
  • give a gulp    ゴクリと飲み込む
  • gulp a mouthful of    ~を一口飲み込む
  • gulp back    (涙?怒りを)こらえる
  • gulp down    ガブガブ飲む、グッ[ゴクリ?ゴックン]と飲む、飲み込む、飲み干す、威勢{いせい}のいい飲みっぷりだ
  • gulp gas    ガソリンを大量{たいりょう}に食う
  • gulp of milk    ひと飲みの牛乳{ぎゅうにゅう}
  • gulp water    水をがぶ飲みする、水をガブガブ飲む
  • in a single gulp    一気飲みで
  • in one gulp    ひと飲みに、一口に
  • take a gulp    グッと飲む
  • take a gulp of    ~をグッと飲む


  • It's the thirtieth anniversary of gmo crops
    品種改良作物 biggulp チキンマックナゲット
  • It's the thirtieth anniversary of gmo crops
    品種改良作物 BigGulp チキンマックナゲット
  • which kind of i need a quick gulp of water , forgive me .
  • stir it in your mead and swallow it in one gulp .
    蜂蜜酒の中でかきまわし 呑み込むんだ
  • and the big gulp , chicken mcnuggets , high fructose corn syrup
    異性化糖 米国内の農業危機に加えて
  • you'll have to gulp it right from a trough .
  • just sleep . just going to take a gulp of fresh air you can just tell me what ..
  • finger shake if you break your promise , you must gulp down 1000 needles .
    指きりげんまん 嘘ついたら 針千本飲ます。
  • the size of the fish was huge enough to drink a nearby boat in one gulp .
  • so you have to sip , not gulp .
  • もっと例文:  1  2


  • a large and hurried swallow; "he finished it at a single gulp"
    Synonyms: draft, draught, swig,

  • a spasmodic reflex of the throat made as if in swallowing
    Synonyms: gulping,

  • Verb
  • utter or make a noise, as when swallowing too quickly; "He gulped for help after choking on a big piece of meat"

  • to swallow hurriedly or greedily or in one draught; "The men gulped down their beers"
    Synonyms: quaff, swig,

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