登録 ログイン

include 意味

発音記号:[ in' klu:d ]  読み方


  • include in    算入する
  • not include    ~を数に入れない
  • to include    to include 盛り込む もりこむ 含む ふくむ 含ます ふくます 包める くるめる 含める ふくめる 入れる いれる 加える くわえる 込める こめる 含ませる ふくませる 綯い交ぜる ないまぜる 組み込む くみこむ 組み入れる くみいれる
  • include a and b    A と B を併記する
  • include a clause that    (that 以下)という項目{こうもく}を含む
  • include a threat of    ~という脅し[脅迫{きょうはく}]を含める
  • include among    ~の中に含める
  • include descriptions such as    ~のような記述{きじゅつ}を含む
  • include directive    《コ》INCLUDE ディレクティブ
  • include emphasis on    ~に重点{じゅうてん}を置くことが含まれる
  • include everything    網羅する
  • include impurities    不純物{ふじゅんぶつ}を含む
  • include in the budget    予算に組む
  • include out     inclúde óut [他]((略式))[通例命令文で]〈人など〉を除外せよ Please ~ me out. 私は除いてください.
  • include principles of    ~の原則{げんそく}を盛り込む


  • the major shrines include the following 21 shrines .
  • if you include benefits to former preschool participants
  • not a chance . well , i could still include it anyway .
    勝手に書くよ 名前を変えて
  • but we also include , what we call , the slow variables
  • there are many shinmei that do not include a prefix .
  • watch out , or they'll include you in the book .
    ドンコサックを一人残らす 殺す積もりなんだ
  • if you include internet telephony , you might be able
  • his disciples include shugetsu , soen , and toshun .
  • that include some things and leave out others .
    幾つかだけを含み それ以外は除外されています
  • hypotheses about her move to edo in 1614 include:
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • add as part of something else; put in as part of a set, group, or category; "We must include this chemical element in the group"

  • consider as part of something; "I include you in the list of culprits"

  • allow participation in or the right to be part of; permit to exercise the rights, functions, and responsibilities of; "admit someone to the profession"; "She was admitted to the New Jersey Bar"
    Synonyms: admit, let in,

  • have as a part, be made up out of; "The list includes the names of many famous writers"

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