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発音記号・読み方: [ in' klu:d ]  
  • include日本語の意味:include v. 含む, 入れる.【副詞1】The cost of a night's lodging normally includes a continental breakfast. 1 泊の費用は通例コーヒーとロールパンの軽朝食を含む.【+前置詞】It is included among the number. その数に含まれているI include you a
  • includeの意味:include v. 含む, 入れる.【副詞1】The cost of a night's lodging normally includes a continental breakfast. 1 泊の費用は通例コーヒーとロールパンの軽朝食を含む.【+前置詞】It is included among the number. その数に含まれているI include you a