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incorrect 意味

発音記号:[ ˌinkə'rekt ]  読み方


  • to be incorrect    to be incorrect 間違う まちがう
  • incorrect acceptance    過誤採択{かご さいたく}
  • incorrect allegation    誤った主張{しゅちょう}
  • incorrect answer    incorrect answer 合わない答え あわないこたえ
  • incorrect behavior    不作法{ぶさほう}な[間違った]態度{たいど}[振る舞い?言動{げんどう}]
  • incorrect character    incorrect character 嘘字 うそじ
  • incorrect data    間違ったデータ
  • incorrect endorsement    間違った裏書き
  • incorrect fact    incorrect fact 嘘 うそ
  • incorrect handling    不正な取り扱い Seller shall not be responsible for faults caused by Buyer's act or incorrect handling of the Products. 《契約書》製品の欠陥が、買い手の行為または不正な取扱方法により引き起こされている場合、売り手は責任を負わないものとする。
  • incorrect information    不正確{ふせいかく}な情報{じょうほう}、誤った情報{じょうほう}
  • incorrect length    不正長{ふせい ちょう}
  • incorrect positioning    incorrect positioning 荷位置異常[機械]〈99B8941:立体自動倉庫用語〉
  • incorrect posting    誤記
  • incorrect records    誤った[不正確{ふせいかく}な]記録{きろく}


  • sorry ! incorrect . shinpachi hijikata: what ?
    残念! 不正解です。 《新八/土方:なに!?》
  • sorry ! incorrect . shinpachi hijikata: what ?
    残念! 不正解です。 《新八/土方:なに!?》
  • that's a myth . that's actually incorrect . but i'm not .
    都市伝説だ 事実は違う
  • that's a g . that's incorrect . it should be a c .
    "G"だな ありえない "C"でなきゃ
  • why you're incorrect about the other assumption .
  • incorrect: 1689-162960+1= 61 at death (59 )
  • that's not incorrect , but please stop that !
    姉上 女の広辞苑をひくのは やめてください!
  • because we think this is the incorrect diagnosis
  • so what is the intuitive , but incorrect assumption
  • you make two assumptions , ms . dunham , both incorrect .
    君の推測二つは 両方間違いだ
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • not correct; not in conformity with fact or truth; "an incorrect calculation"; "the report in the paper is wrong"; "your information is wrong"; "the clock showed the wrong time"; "found themselves on the wrong road"; "based on the wrong assumptions"
    Synonyms: wrong,

  • Adjective
  • characterized by errors; not agreeing with a model or not following established rules; "he submitted a faulty report"; "an incorrect transcription"; the wrong side of the road"
    Synonyms: faulty, wrong,

  • (of a word or expression) not agreeing with grammatical principles

  • not in accord with established usage or procedure; "the wrong medicine"; "the wrong way to shuck clams"; "it is incorrect for a policeman to accept gifts"
    Synonyms: wrong,

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