index 意味
- 1index n. 索引; 指針, 指標; 指数.【動詞+】【+動詞】
- As the exposure index increases so does the graininess of a photographic image.
【形容詞 名詞+】【前置詞+】【+前置詞】- an index to the solution of a problem
2index v. …に索引をつける; (年金などを)物価(指数)にスライドさせる.【+前置詞】- index it under…
- As the exposure index increases so does the graininess of a photographic image.
- a price index a price index 物価指数 ぶっかしすう
- absorbance index absorbance index 吸光係数[化学]
- absorbancy index 吸光係数{きゅうこう けいすう}
- absorbency index 吸収率{きゅうしゅうりつ}
- absorption index 吸収係数{きゅうしゅう けいすう}
- accuracy index 精度指数{せいど しすう}
- achievement index 達成指数{たっせい しすう}
- acidity index 酸性度指数{さんせい ど しすう}
- activity index 活動係数{かつどう けいすう}
- address index アドレス指標{しひょう}
- adiabatic index 断熱指数{だんねつ しすう}
- advertiser's index 広告主索引{こうこくぬし さくいん}
- affective index 感情指標{かんじょう しひょう}
- affluence index 豊かさの指標{しひょう}
- aggregate index 総合指数{そうごう しすう}
- on the unicef index of child wellbeing .
ユニセフによる児童福祉の指標についての研究を発表しました - and we got greater than 1 ,000 selectivity index .
選択指数は1000以上に なりました - index that shows how transparent produced sake is
どれだけ透明に製成されたかを語る指標。 - will you wait for it to go properly ? index
ちゃんと行く だから待っててくれるか インデックス - will you wait for it to go properly ? index
ちゃんと行く だから待っててくれるか インデックス - of flowers in a garden and then , basically , index them
それを基本的には索引付して - of flowers in a garden and then , basically , index them
それを基本的には索引付して - also , notice the index finger on his right hand .
それと 彼の右手の人差し指を見てくれ - i hope you didn't mess up my sock index this time !
靴下の並び順を 乱してないだろうね! - on their country's u .n . human development index .
- Noun
- the finger next to the thumb
Synonyms: index finger, forefinger, - an alphabetical listing of names and topics along with page numbers where they are discussed
- a number or ratio (a value on a scale of measurement) derived from a series of observed facts; can reveal relative changes as a function of time
Synonyms: index number, indicant, indicator, - a mathematical notation indicating the number of times a quantity is multiplied by itself
Synonyms: exponent, power, - a numerical scale used to compare variables with one another or with some reference number
- adjust through indexation; "The government indexes wages and prices"
- provide with an index; "index the book"
- list in an index