in such a mind-set , you can ' t do your job well ." そのような心がけではものの役に立ちますまいに」と兄を嗜めた。
the mind-set of the empress , who lost her senior vassals one after another , whom she let handle the affairs of state , must have been lonely as she grew older . 長年国政を任せてきた重臣を次々に失った女帝の心境は、老いが深まるにつれ寂寥なものであったに違いない。
this class-based prejudice explains why bunraku practitioners have a deep-seated mind-set to clearly discriminate against takemoto in favor of bunraku , despite no major differences in their practices . 文楽と竹本にさまで大きな内容的相違がないにもかかわらず、これを明確に区分しようとする意識がつよいのはこうした階級意識によるところが大きい。
especially , " the elegant life of mr . everyman ," for its uniquely cynical point of view on the mind-set of a man of his generation that lived through world war ii in his youth , and " human bullet ," for its interpretation mixed with comical elements , have been highly evaluated to date , and he himself commented during his life that these two were his favorite films . 特に『江分利満氏の優雅な生活』や『肉弾』は、岡本と同年代の戦中派の心境を独特のシニカルな視点とコミカルな要素を交えて描いた作品として現在まで高い評価を得ており、生前、岡本自身も好きな作品として挙げている。
a habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations Synonyms: mentality, outlook, mindset,