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mother 意味

発音記号:[ 'mʌðə ]  読み方
動詞 過去形: mothered   動詞 過去分詞: mothered   名詞 複数形: mothers   動詞 現在分詞: mothering   


  • be mother     be móther ((略式))お茶をいれる.
  • mother to be    {名} :
  • mother-to-be    {名} : 妊婦{にんぷ}、母となる人、妊娠中{にんしんちゅう}の女性{じょせい} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【変化】《複》mothers-to-be
  • absentee mother    家にいない母親{ははおや}、働きに出ている母親{ははおや} Emily's mother was an absentee mother, who left her when she was a child.
  • abusive mother    虐待{ぎゃくたい}する母親{ははおや}
  • adc mother    児童福祉手当{じどう ふくし てあて}を受けている母親{ははおや}◆ADC=Aid to Dependent Children
  • adopted mother    養母{ようぼ}
  • adoptive mother    adoptive mother 養母 ようぼ
  • adoring mother    子どもを熱愛{ねつあい}する母親{ははおや}
  • affectionate mother    affectionate mother 慈母 じぼ
  • aged mother    aged mother 老母 ろうぼ
  • aggressive mother    ガミガミうるさい母親{ははおや}
  • bachelor mother    未婚{みこん}の母、女手一つで子どもを育てる母親{ははおや}
  • become a mother    母になる、子をはぐくむ、子を産む
  • bedridden mother    長く病臥中{びょうが ちゅう}の母


  • they're alike aren't they , mother and daughter .
    似るもんですよね 親子って 紀子もよく
  • they're alike aren't they , mother and daughter .
    似るもんですよね 親子って 紀子もよく
  • his mother is the daughter of tojo yoshiharu matsudaira .
  • mother , it's not the moment to talk about that ...
    お母さん。 今はね その話は...。
  • i used to get that plea bargain for your mother .
    お母さんの為に 司法取引を利用する方法
  • his mother was yoshimichi hatano ' s younger sister .
  • both my mother and father would always say to me
    父母はいつも こんなことを言っていました
  • because i used to do this to mother long time ago .
    昔 母親に よくやらされてたから。
  • your mother did it , paul , your mother did it .
    「おまえの母さんが そうしたんだ ポール」
  • your mother did it , paul , your mother did it .
    「おまえの母さんが そうしたんだ ポール」
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • a condition that is the inspiration for an activity or situation; "necessity is the mother of invention"

  • a woman who has given birth to a child (also used as a term of address to your mother); "the mother of three children"
    Synonyms: female parent,

  • a term of address for a mother superior

  • a term of address for an elderly woman

  • a stringy slimy substance consisting of yeast cells and bacteria; forms during fermentation and is added to cider or wine to produce vinegar

  • Verb
  • make children; "Abraham begot Isaac"; "Men often father children but don''t recognize them"
    Synonyms: beget, get, engender, father, sire, generate, bring forth,

  • care for like a mother; "She fusses over her husband"
    Synonyms: fuss, overprotect,

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