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open 意味

発音記号:[ 'əupən ]  読み方
動詞 過去形: opened   動詞 過去分詞: opened   動詞 現在分詞: opening   


  • in the open    in the open 野天 のてん
  • open for    (コンサートなどで)~の前座{ぜんざ}をする
  • open into    ~の方へ通じる、~に開口{かいこう}している
  • open on    {句動-1} : (学校{がっこう}などが)~曜日{ようび}[_日]から始まる -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {句動-2} : ~に面している
  • open to    《be ~》(批判{ひはん}などを)受けやすい、~を招きやすい、~に無防備{むぼうび}である Our boss's attitude is open to blame from everyone around. われわれの上司の態度は周りの皆から非難を受けやすい。
  • open with    《be ~》(人)に包み隠さずに言う、(人)と真っすぐ向き合う、(人)に隠し立てしない、(人)に隔てなく話す I confessed all, so I can finally be open with you. すべて白状{はくじょう}したのでこれでやっとあなたと真っすぐ向き合える。
  • to open    to open 繰り広げる くりひろげる 明け払う あけはらう 拡げる 広げる ひろげる 開く 明く 空く あく すく 開ける あける
  • with open    気前よく
  • open close open    {名} :
  • open-close-open    {名} : 開閉開◆【略】OCO
  • (open) fire    (open) fire 焚火 焚き火 たきび
  • act in the open    公然{こうぜん}と振る舞う
  • australian open    全豪オープン◆テニス大会
  • become open    明るみに出る
  • books open    株式名義書換停止解除日{かぶしき めいぎ かきかえ ていし かいじょ び}


  • but we will not do this by open confrontation .
    単に実行するのではなく 対立の扉を開くのだ
  • by the way , this exhibition is open all week
    ちなみにこの個展は 今週いっぱい開催中だそうです
  • you showed the king of hell how to open a hell gate ?
    もしかして 誘われているのかな
  • from open innovation , and they're pushing radically
  • any attempt to open it will burn the hard drive .
    開けようとすると 記憶部分を消失させる
  • so i went to open the airport locker .
    「何か すごく嫌な予感がして コインロッカーを開けてみたの」
  • we need to think about how to open up the api
    どのように政府のAPIを開放するか またそれを
  • open the damn door ! you can't change the past , james !
  • then i'll open it for you . just wait a bit .
    だったら 私が開けてあげます 待っててください!
  • i'll be open to my trees growing human flesh ?
    人間の果実が なっていることを 受け入れろと?
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • affording unobstructed entrance and exit; not shut or closed; "an open door"; "they left the door open"
    Synonyms: unfastened,

  • affording free passage or access; "open drains"; "the road is open to traffic"; "open ranks"

  • used of mouth or eyes; "keep your eyes open"; "his mouth slightly opened"
    Synonyms: opened,

  • (set theory) of an interval that contains neither of its endpoints

  • open and observable; not secret or hidden; "an overt lie"; "overt hostility"; "overt intelligence gathering"; "open ballots"
    Synonyms: overt,

  • ready or willing to receive favorably; "receptive to the proposals"
    Synonyms: receptive,

  • Adjective
  • ready for business; "the stores are open"

  • not having been filled; "the job is still open"

  • openly straightforward and direct without reserve or secretiveness; "his candid eyes"; "an open and trusting nature"; "a heart-to-heart talk"
    Synonyms: candid, heart-to-heart,

  • without undue constriction as from e.g. tenseness or inhibition; "the clarity and resonance of an open tone"; "her natural and open response"

  • affording free passage or view; "a clear view"; "a clear path to victory"; "open waters"; "the open countryside"
    Synonyms: clear,

  • having no protecting cover or enclosure; "an open boat"; "an open fire"; "open sports cars"

  • open to or in view of all; "an open protest"; "an open letter to the editor"

  • with no protection or shield; "the exposed northeast frontier"; "open to the weather"; "an open wound"
    Synonyms: exposed,

  • accessible to all; "open season"; "an open economy"

  • not sealed or having been unsealed; "the letter was already open"; "the opened package lay on the table"
    Synonyms: opened,

  • not brought to a conclusion; subject to further thought; "an open question"; "our position on this bill is still undecided"; "our lawsuit is still undetermined"
    Synonyms: undecided, undetermined, unresolved,

  • (of textures) full of small openings or gaps; "an open texture"; "a loose weave"
    Synonyms: loose,

  • possibly accepting or permitting; "a passage capable of misinterpretation"; "open to interpretation"; "an issue open to question"; "the time is fixed by the director and players and therefore subject to much variation"
    Synonyms: capable, subject,

  • not requiring union membership; "an open shop employs nonunion workers"

  • not defended or capable of being defended; "an open city"; "open to attack"
    Synonyms: assailable, undefendable, undefended,

  • Verb
  • make available; "This opens up new possibilities"
    Synonyms: open up,

  • become available; "an opportunity opened up"
    Synonyms: open up,

  • make the opening move; "Kasparov opened with a standard opening"

  • cause to open or to become open; "Mary opened the car door"
    Synonyms: open up,

  • become open; "The door opened"
    Synonyms: open up,

  • spread out or open from a closed or folded state; "open the map"; "spread your arms"
    Synonyms: unfold, spread, spread out,

  • display the contents of a file or start an application as on a computer

  • afford access to; "the door opens to the patio"; "The French doors give onto a terrace"
    Synonyms: afford, give,

  • begin or set in action, of meetings, speeches, recitals, etc.; "He opened the meeting with a long speech"

  • start to operate or function or cause to start operating or functioning; "open a business"
    Synonyms: open up,

  • have an opening or passage or outlet; "The bedrooms open into the hall"

  • Noun
  • information that has become public; "all the reports were out in the open"; "the facts had been brought to the surface"
    Synonyms: surface,

  • a tournament in which both professionals and amateurs may play

  • where the air is unconfined; "he wanted to get outdoors a little"; "the concert was held in the open air"; "camping in the open"
    Synonyms: outdoors, out-of-doors, open air,

  • a clear or unobstructed space or expanse of land or water; "finally broke out of the forest into the open"
    Synonyms: clear,

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