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poisson 意味



  • {名} : 〈フランス語〉(料理{りょうり}した)魚
  • poisson arrival    《統計》ポアソン到着{とうちゃく}
  • poisson bracket    Poisson bracket ポアソン括弧[基礎]; ポアソン括弧[航宇]; ポアッソンブラケット[基礎]
  • poisson constant    Poisson constant ポアッソン定数
  • poisson distribution    ポアソン分布
  • poisson equation    Poisson equation ポアソンの方程式[地球]; ポアソン方程式[基礎]; ポアソン方程式[航宇]
  • poisson formula    Poisson formula ポアッソンの公式[基礎]
  • poisson integral    Poisson integral ポアソン積分[基礎]
  • poisson model    《統計》ポアッソンモデル
  • poisson number    Poisson number ポアソン数[基礎]; ポアソン比[電情]
  • poisson origination    Poisson origination ポアソン生起[電情]
  • poisson process    ポアソン過程{かてい}
  • poisson ratio    Poisson ratio ポアソン比[基礎]; ポアソン比[電情]; ポアッソン比[基礎]
  • poisson regression    《統計》ポアッソン回帰{かいき}
  • poisson relation    Poisson relation ポアソンの関係[基礎]
  • poisson transform    Poisson transform ポアッソン変換[基礎]


  • in french cuisine , the soup stock extracted from veal is called " fond de veau ," that from lamb is called " fond d ' agneau ," that from game (venison , boar or rabbit ) or wildfowl (such as quail ) is called " fond de gibier ," that from chicken is called " fond de volaille ," and that from fish is called " fumet de poisson ."
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