rectification 意味
発音記号:[ ˌrektifi'keiʃən ] 読み方
- rectification
- anomalous rectification 異常整流作用{いじょう せいりゅう さよう}
- batch rectification バッチ精留{せいりゅう}
- continuous rectification 連続精留{れんぞく せいりゅう}
- delayed rectification 遅延整流{ちえん せいりゅう}
- optical rectification 光学検波{こうがく けんぱ}
- radical rectification 抜本是正{ばっぽん ぜせい}
- rectification campaign 整風運動{せいふう うんどう}
- rectification circuit 整流回路{せいりゅう かいろ}
- rectification column 精留塔{せいりゅうとう}
- rectification distillation 精留蒸留{せいりゅう じょうりゅう}
- rectification factor rectification factor 整流率[電情]
- rectification of defects 瑕疵{かし}の修補{しゅうほ}
- rectification of error 錯誤の修正
- rectification phenomena 《電》整流現象{せいりゅう げんしょう}
- rectification phenomenon 整流現象{せいりゅう げんしょう}
- you acknowledge by order of the gcc that these items are subject to forfeiture under the life debt relief and rectification statues .
これらの項目があることが、gccの順序 により承認 ライフ債務救済 と整流像の下で 没収の対象となります。 - you acknowledge by order of the gcc that these items are subject to forfeiture under the life debt relief and rectification statues .
これらの項目があることが、GCCの順序 により承認 ライフ債務救済 と整流像の下で 没収の対象となります。 - the eight steps are the eight detailed items of sankoryo , consisting of investigation of things ( ' kakubutsu ' ), extension of knowledge ( ' chichi ' ), sincerity of the will ( ' seii ' ), rectification of the mind ( ' seishin ' ), cultivation of personal life ( ' shushin ' ), regulation of family ( ' seika ' ), national order ( ' chikoku ' ) and world peace ( ' heitenka ' ).
- Noun
- determination of the length of a curve; finding a straight line equal in length to a given curve
- the act of offering an improvement to replace a mistake; setting right
Synonyms: correction, - the conversion of alternating current to direct current
- (chemistry) the process of refinement or purification of a substance by distillation