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correction 意味

発音記号:[ kə'rekʃən ]  読み方
名詞 複数形: corrections   



  • the correction fluid is on top of the barcode
    修正液は このバーコードの上に 塗られている。
  • he became a chief of the correction bureau in 1881 .
    1881年(明治14年) 監獄局長
  • guys , can someone bring me correction fluid ?
    諸君 誰か修正液を 持ってきてくれないか?
  • looks like the correction has just been canceled .
  • kozacho eastern . correction and capture thank you !
    空座町東部。 補正と捕捉お願いします!
  • kozacho eastern . correction and capture thank you !
    空座町東部。 補正と捕捉お願いします!
  • and those interactions allow for error correction
    それにより エラー訂正が できるようになったり
  • correction , the instantly frozen indoor pool ?
    訂正っ・・・"瞬時に凍った屋内プール" だったわね
  • to change the youth correction systems employed
  • it's really hard to erase with correction fluid .
    ホワイトで消すのは 大変よね。
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • the act of offering an improvement to replace a mistake; setting right
    Synonyms: rectification,

  • treatment of a specific defect; "the correction of his vision with eye glasses"

  • the act of punishing; "the offenders deserved the harsh discipline they received"
    Synonyms: discipline,

  • a drop in stock market activity or stock prices following a period of increases; "market runups are invariably followed by a correction"

  • something substituted for an error

  • a rebuke for making a mistake
    Synonyms: chastening, chastisement,

  • a quantity that is added or subtracted in order to increase the accuracy of a scientific measure
    Synonyms: fudge factor,

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