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session 意味

発音記号:[ 'seʃən ]  読み方
名詞 複数形: sessions   



  • so this is a session on frontiers in neuroscience .
  • and i think this is really the theme of this session .
  • i believe he had a session with dr . harmon today .
    dr. ハーモンと今日 面接でしょ
  • i'll help you . we'll do a debate prep session .
    事前に模擬討論をして チェックをするのよ
  • how i progressed throughout my session .
    このセッションでどのくらい 自分が進歩したか教えてくれます
  • i believe he had a session with dr . harmon today .
    Dr. ハーモンと今日 面接でしょ
  • my receptionist didn't tell me i had a couples session .
  • this session today is about behavioral economics .
  • so this session is supposed to be about the future
  • this last session we had about africa and his
    昨日のテーマだった アフリカと仮に500億ドルの
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • a meeting devoted to a particular activity; "a filming session"; "a gossip session"

  • a meeting for execution of a group''s functions; "it was the opening session of the legislature"

  • a meeting of spiritualists; "the seance was held in the medium''s parlor"
    Synonyms: seance, sitting,

  • the time during which a school holds classes; "they had to shorten the school term"
    Synonyms: school term, academic term, academic session,

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