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solve 意味

発音記号:[ sɔlv ]  読み方


  • solve for    ~について解く
  • to solve    to solve 判じる はんじる 説き明かす ときあかす 解く とく
  • difficult to solve    difficult to solve 解難い ときがたい
  • not easy to solve    《be ~》簡単{かんたん}には解けない
  • problem solve    {自動} :
  • problem-solve    {自動} : 問題{もんだい}を解決{かいけつ}する
  • solve a challenge    難問{なんもん}を解決{かいけつ}する
  • solve a conflict    紛争{ふんそう}[争い]を解決{かいけつ}する
  • solve a dispute    争い[紛争{ふんそう}?争議{そうぎ}]を解決{かいけつ}する
  • solve a murder    殺人事件を解決する
  • solve a mystery    謎を解く、神秘を解く
  • solve a problem    問題を解く[解決する]◆【語法】目的語に question をとるのは極めてまれな例。 There is no simple list of cuts that will easily solve the problem. 問題を一挙に解決するうまい方法はない。 Don't wait to solve your problems. 問題を先延ばしにするな。 They will probably
  • solve a puzzle    パズルを解く
  • solve a question    問題{もんだい}を解決{かいけつ}する
  • solve a riddle    謎を解く


  • and we can solve half of the rest with renewables .
  • it's too late to solve it if things had happened
    おれの分も頑張ってよ 正ちゃん その恋。
  • he says , if you're trying to solve a really hard problem
  • these are easy questions , and you can't solve it ?
    《そんな簡単なのも 分かんないの?》
  • i think they are going to help solve problems .
    彼らは 問題解決にひと役買ってくれるでしょう
  • and knowledge to solve some problems .
  • i see it now ! you're saying time will solve it , am i right ?
  • regretting the past won't solve anything .
    過去のことを後悔し続けても 何の解決にもならないしね
  • then please solve this case too , as usual .
    では いつものように 事件を解決してくださいな。
  • if you can't solve it , i definitely can't .
    あなたが解けないものを 私にわかるはず無いでしょ
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of; "did you solve the problem?"; "Work out your problems with the boss"; "this unpleasant situation isn''t going to work itself out"; "did you get it?"; "Did you get my meaning?"; "He could not work the math problem"
    Synonyms: work out, figure out, puzzle out, lick, work,

  • find the solution; "solve an equation"; "solve for x"
    Synonyms: resolve,

  • settle, as of a debt; "clear a debt"; "solve an old debt"
    Synonyms: clear,

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