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work 意味

発音記号:[ wə:k ]  読み方
動詞 過去形: worked   動詞 過去分詞: worked   名詞 複数形: works   動詞 現在分詞: working   


  • a work    a work 作 さく
  • at work    at work 執務中 しつむちゅう 出勤 しゅっきん
  • by work    {名} :
  • by-work    {名} : 副業{ふくぎょう}
  • for work    for work 仕事柄 しごとがら 作業用 さぎょうよう
  • in work    {1} : 仕事{しごと}について◆【対】out of work -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : (人?動物{どうぶつ}などが)働いて
  • not work    ばかになる、効果{こうか}がない、駄目{だめ}だ、うまくいかない This isn't going to work. これでは使い物にならない。
  • to be the work of    to be the work of 係る かかる
  • to work    to work 働く はたらく 稼げる かせげる 動く うごく
  • to work (for)    to work (for) 勤める 務める 努める つとめる
  • to work for    to work for 仕える つかえる
  • to work on    to work on 働く はたらく 手がける てがける
  • to work with    to work with 手掛ける てがける
  • will to work    will to work 勤労意欲 きんろういよく
  • work as    ~として働く、~をしている


  • i want to work in breeding fish in the aquarium .
    僕ね 水族館の 飼育員に なりたいんだ。
  • after work is done today , do you have any plans ?
    今日 仕事 終わった後 何か予定ある?
  • those factory guys hung out at a bar after work .
    工場の連中は 仕事の後バーでうろついてた
  • i'll be waiting outside for you , when you've finished work .
  • we have a lot of work to do before we go to sleep .
    "人工睡眠までに 仕事が一杯ある"
  • there are over 20 pages of reviews of his work
    彼に対するレビューは 20ページ以上に及び―
  • those people work undercover . you can't expose them .
    潜入捜査員よ 公開したら何が?
  • yeah , so i just got a bit tied up at work , you know ?
    ああ 手が離せなかったんだ
  • phil bushey , the dj you work with at the station .
    フィル・バッシーさ 放送局のDJさ
  • you really did great work back there . all of you .
    ... 本当にやり遂げた みんなにも
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • activity directed toward making or doing something; "she checked several points needing further work"

  • the occupation for which you are paid; "he is looking for employment"; "a lot of people are out of work"
    Synonyms: employment,

  • the total output of a writer or artist (or a substantial part of it); "he studied the entire Wagnerian oeuvre"; "Picasso''s work can be divided into periods"
    Synonyms: oeuvre, body of work,

  • a product produced or accomplished through the effort or activity or agency of a person or thing; "it is not regarded as one of his more memorable works"; "the symphony was hailed as an ingenious work"; "he was indebted to the pioneering work of John Dewey"; "the work of an active imagination"; "erosion is the work of wind or water over time"
    Synonyms: piece of work,

  • a place where work is done; "he arrived at work early today"
    Synonyms: workplace,

  • applying the mind to learning and understanding a subject (especially by reading); "mastering a second language requires a lot of work"; "no schools offer graduate study in interior design"
    Synonyms: study,

  • (physics) a manifestation of energy; the transfer of energy from one physical system to another expressed as the product of a force and the distance through which it moves a body in the direction of that force; "work equals force times distance"

  • Verb
  • give a workout to; "Some parents exercise their infants"; "My personal trainer works me hard"; "work one''s muscles"; "this puzzle will exercise your mind"
    Synonyms: exercise, work out,

  • arrive at a certain condition through repeated motion; "The stitches of the hem worked loose after she wore the skirt many times"

  • go sour or spoil; "The milk has soured"; "The wine worked"; "The cream has turned--we have to throw it out"
    Synonyms: sour, turn, ferment,

  • cause to undergo fermentation; "We ferment the grapes for a very long time to achieve high alcohol content"; "The vintner worked the wine in big oak vats"
    Synonyms: ferment,

  • find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of; "did you solve the problem?"; "Work out your problems with the boss"; "this unpleasant situation isn''t going to work itself out"; "did you get it?"; "Did you get my meaning?"; "He could not work the math problem"
    Synonyms: solve, work out, figure out, puzzle out, lick,

  • use or manipulate to one''s advantage; "He exploit the new taxation system"; "She knows how to work the system"; "he works his parents for sympathy"
    Synonyms: exploit,

  • make uniform; "knead dough"; "work the clay until it is soft"
    Synonyms: knead,

  • perform as expected when applied; "The washing machine won''t go unless it''s plugged in"; "Does this old car still run well?"; "This old radio doesn''t work anymore"
    Synonyms: function, operate, go, run,

  • move into or onto; "work the raisins into the dough"; "the student worked a few jokes into his presentation"; "work the body onto the flatbed truck"

  • cause to happen or to occur as a consequence; "I cannot work a miracle"; "wreak havoc"; "bring comments"; "play a joke"; "The rain brought relief to the drought-stricken area"
    Synonyms: bring, play, wreak, make for,

  • make something, usually for a specific function; "She molded the rice balls carefully"; "Form cylinders from the dough"; "shape a figure"; "Work the metal into a sword"
    Synonyms: shape, form, mold, mould, forge,

  • shape, form, or improve a material; "work stone into tools"; "process iron"; "work the metal"
    Synonyms: work on, process,

  • prepare for crops; "Work the soil"; "cultivate the land"
    Synonyms: cultivate, crop,

  • gratify and charm, usually in order to influence; "the political candidate worked the crowds"

  • move in an agitated manner; "His fingers worked with tension"

  • proceed along a path; "work one''s way through the crowd"; "make one''s way into the forest"
    Synonyms: make,

  • provoke or excite; "The rock musician worked the crowd of young girls into a frenzy"

  • proceed towards a goal or along a path or through an activity; "work your way through every problem or task"; "She was working on her second martini when the guests arrived"; "Start from the bottom and work towards the top"

  • cause to work; "he is working his servants hard"
    Synonyms: put to work,

  • be employed; "Is your husband working again?"; "My wife never worked"; "Do you want to work after the age of 60?"; "She never did any work because she inherited a lot of money"; "She works as a waitress to put herself through college"
    Synonyms: do work,

  • exert oneself by doing mental or physical work for a purpose or out of necessity; "I will work hard to improve my grades"; "she worked hard for better living conditions for the poor"

  • cause to operate or function; "This pilot works the controls"; "Can you work an electric drill?"

  • operate in or through; "Work the phones"

  • have an effect or outcome; often the one desired or expected; "The voting process doesn''t work as well as people thought"; "How does your idea work in practice?"; "This method doesn''t work"; "The breaks of my new car act quickly"; "The medicine works only if you take it with a lot of water"
    Synonyms: act,

  • have and exert influence or effect; "The artist''s work influenced the young painter"; "She worked on her friends to support the political candidate"
    Synonyms: influence, act upon,

  • operate in a certain place, area, or specialty; "She works the night clubs"; "The salesman works the Midwest"; "This artist works mostly in acrylics"

  • behave in a certain way when handled; "This dough does not work easily"; "The soft metal works well"

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