bank transfer scam's becoming completely systemized 振り込め詐欺は 完全に 組織化されていて
it's these kinds of systemized friendly touches that keep my world in orbit . この種のシステムは私の世界を 日常的に安定させる効果がある
in order to maintain a highly systemized bureaucratic organization , ritsuryo kokka codes needed stable revenue from taxes . 律令国家は、高度に体系化された官僚組織を維持するため、安定した税収を必要とした。
bushido refers to systemized thought that generally forms the basis of value and ethical standards in samurai hierarchy during feudal japan . 武士道(ぶしどう)とは、封建社会の日本における武士階級の倫理及び価値基準の根本をなす、体系化された思想一般をさす。
in addition , there were ' family soldiers ' along with provincial soldiers ' where military power was systemized as ' 威猛之具 .' また、「諸国兵士」と並び称せられる「諸家兵士」があるように武力も組織し「威猛之具」としていた。
subsequently , bukankojitsu introduced from kyoto in piecemeal fashion and the traditional customs of warriors in the kanto region were blended and systemized to create buke-kojitsu (military practices .) 以降、京都から断片的に流入した武官故実と関東在来の武士の慣習が合わさって、武家故実が体系化されていった。
during 1532 through 1555 , he enhanced the ikenobo school of tatebana to the level of art , systemized tatebana and laid the foundations of the ikenobo school which later became the mainstream of the tatebana world . 天文年間(1532年-1555年)頃、立花の流派池坊を造形芸術にまで高めて、立花の体系化をはかり、池坊が立花界の主流となるきっかけを作った。
during 1532 through 1555 , he enhanced the ikenobo school of tatebana to the level of art , systemized tatebana and laid the foundations of the ikenobo school which later became the mainstream of the tatebana world . 天文年間(1532年-1555年)頃、立花の流派池坊を造形芸術にまで高めて、立花の体系化をはかり、池坊が立花界の主流となるきっかけを作った。
ko was systemized as the leader called ' banyaku ' (the role of a guard ) without respect for the social class , and was connected to the head temple of hongan-ji temple through ' toritsugiyaku ' (the role of a negotiator ). 講は「番役」というリーダーを中心に、身分の区別なく組織され、「取次役」を通じて本山の本願寺と繋がっていた。
during the thirteenth century , the sekkan position was passed in turn among the heads of the five families determined by paternal succession among the mido branch , in other words , the gosekke (five top fujiwara families ), became systemized . 13世紀に入ると、摂関の地位は、父子継承によって決定された御堂流のうちの5家、すなわち五摂家当主による巡任が体制化された。