what's up with that vocalization ? よろしくお願いします。nよろしくお願いします。
also for the health-conscious reason , vocalization by abdominal respiration is sometimes taken up . また、健康志向から、腹式呼吸による発声という側面が取り上げられることもある。
also for the health-conscious reason , vocalization by abdominal respiration is sometimes taken up . また、健康志向から、腹式呼吸による発声という側面が取り上げられることもある。
the vocalization of a noh chant can be classified into two kinds; " weak chanting " (yowagin ) and " strong chanting " (tsuyogin ). 謡の発声法は「弱吟」(よわぎん)と「強吟」(つよぎん)の2種類に分かれている。
apart from kyogen , mansai is engaged in many activities such as dramas , movies and stages as an ordinary actor , and shows his presence with features such as nice looks , graceful manners and unique vocalization . 狂言以外でも一般の俳優としてドラマ、映画、舞台などで多くの活動を行っており、端正な容姿と気品ある物腰、独特の発声等で存在感を示す。
troupe members used the old-fashioned sign language to express the nuances of old spoken language in kyogen and tried one way after another for the timing of sign language and vocalization as well as the pauses between the lines , then shuwa kyogen with strength of classical japanese popular performing arts was produced . 狂言の古い口語のニュアンスを表現するため古い形の手話を使い、手話と声とのタイミングや、間のとり方にも工夫が重ねられ、古典芸能の強靭さを持つ手話狂言が誕生した。
enka music had been supported by only middle-aged and elderly people and it became harder for singers with powerful voices and outstanding vocal ability , such as saburo kitajima , and unique singers with distinctive quality of voice and vocalization , such as shinichi mori , to display their talents as people had valued easy songs for amateurs to sing in karaoke , and thus enka music had less tv exposure . 演歌が中高年のみの支持に限定されてきたことや、素人がカラオケで歌いやすいことが尊ばれ、北島三郎のように圧倒的な声量や歌唱力を誇る歌手や、森進一のように独特な声質と歌唱法をもつ個性的な歌手が実力を発揮しにくくなり、テレビへの露出が減少した。
besides , in her own book " ' enka ' no susume " (recommendation of ' japanese ballad ' ), a vocal musician yumi aikawa says ' any of the pronunciation of the lyrics , the vocalization , the musical interval , the rhythm , and so on is never praiseworthy ' as an evaluation after she listened to the records of miura ' s performance , and presents a question as to ' the legend that tamaki miura was a prima donna of the world ' which many japanese have cherished . また声楽家の藍川由美は自著『「演歌」のススメ』の中でレコード録音された三浦の演奏を聴いて「歌詞の発音や発声法、音程、リズムなど、どれをとってもけっして褒められたものではない」と評し、日本人のなかにある「三浦環 世界のプリマ伝説」に対し疑問を呈している。
the use of uttered sounds for auditory communication Synonyms: utterance,
the sound made by the vibration of vocal folds modified by the resonance of the vocal tract; "a singer takes good care of his voice"; "the giraffe cannot make any vocalizations" Synonyms: voice, vocalisation, vocalism, phonation, vox,